Project Overview
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Planning and development are underway on a proposed passenger railcar maintenance facility southwest of Uptown Charlotte in Mecklenburg County. This proposed facility will replace the existing maintenance facility and it will be near the
Charlotte Gateway Station.
The proposed facility will serve future repairs and maintenance for passenger trains and support the
Southeast High Speed Rail Corridor. The proposed facility will include:
- Enclosed area for maintenance
- Refueling area and onsite fuel tank
- Additional space for spare parts and equipment storage
- Enclosed train wash facility
- Space for a maximum of 20 train crew members
- Staging tracks (tracks used to set trains on their scheduled destination)
Upcoming Public Meetings
There are no upcoming public meetings for this project.
Project Funding
This project is listed as Project P-2918F in the
2024-2033 N.C. Department of Transportation's State Transportation Improvement Program and is funded for $342.9 million.
*Estimated costs subject to change